The Rose Bouquet - Natural candle is a must-have for any candle lover. Made with Naturacare's signature natural wax and featuring a soothing crackling wooden wick, this candle releases a beautiful scent of fresh roses with every burn, bringing a touch of elegance and relaxation to any room.
Its handcrafted design also makes it a stunning decorative piece that will add a charming and inviting ambiance to your home or office. Illuminate your senses and indulge in the blissful aroma of this delightful candle.
Rose Bouquet - Natural Candle (with crackling wooden wick)
- Coconut soy wax;
- Fragrance Oil;
- Reiki.
This candle is amazing! I feel like I'm in a rose garden... And the crackling sound is so relaxing! Simply in love with this candle!